News & Initiatives
Updates will initially have a red border
Flood & Coastal Erosion Risk Management (FCERM)
BCP's FCERM website has lots of information about the projects underway along on our coastline​​
The damaged groyne markers on Avon & Friars Cliff beaches have now been removed
More information about this and the work on Hengistbury Head long groyne is availabe at the links below
Christchurch Neighbourhood Plan (NP)
This has caused a lot of work by the Neighbourhood Plan Working Group (NPWG) to ensure that the NP will align to the LP without the need for extensive revisions
Most sections of the NP are still in progress, with some requiring more work than others
To read a 'simple overview for residents', please click the link below ​
For full details please click the link below
BCP Draft Local Plan : why/what/when​
A new Local Plan must be in place within 5 years of council reorganisation.
Size/Scope : 352 pages (pgs 260-264 cover our area) / Huge reduction of policies to a manageable amount.
Community Infrastructure Levy : Higher levies on less than 10 homes; Friars Cliff is value area 4, the highest band, with levies between £315/£630.
Impact on Neighbourhood plan : If not complete, then NP may need to be amended to fit the LP.
Housing : 1,430 homes in Mudeford, Stanpit, West Highcliffe (934 have PP, incl Roeshot Hill) / 145 on other sites (incl Steamer Point) / 350 'windfall' opportunities.
BCP Current Local Plans
BCP has been developing it's area-wide Local Plan that will provide a framework of policies and site allocations to guide development over the next 20 years.
This will help BCP meet needs for new homes, jobs, infrastructure and other supporting services.
FCRA has been closely following this.​​
FCRA Heritage Assets​
Following campaigning by FCRA, BCP Council has installed heritage memorials and displays at Steamer Point.
3 x large “totem” style steel columns adjacent to the 3 concrete bases near the car park. These provide interesting information about the area's military past.
In the nature reserve, signage explaining the purpose of the old buildings and sculptures.
There is also a woodland trail with various notice boards and QR codes for further information.
MCA (Maritime and Coastguard Agency) - Training Centre Development​
Penny Farthing has submitted a new application which is on the planning portal for consideration - 8/23/0850/FUL
The MCA action group, and the FCRA committee have highly recommended this development as being entirely suitable for both this site, and the surrounding area.
The Planning & Developments page has more information
Water Quality​ - Phosphates
FCRA continue to lead with education to other groups, bolstered by our relationship with Wessex Water (see 1st link below for Matt Wheeldon's presentation).
BCP have agreed on a way forward to balance water quality in the River Avon and Harbour with the need for additional housing.
BCP also recently decided to not use CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) funds to mitigate additional phosphate levels and opted, instead, to use funding that could have been spent elsewhere in the conurbation.
This may slow down the rate of building development as developers are waiting for the Levelling-Up bill currently going through Parliament.
Concerns raised over “credits” to allow development.
Local water quality has, not only, changed colour but taste has also deteriorated.
All Saints Church Mudeford​
Planning permission is now granted and just awaiting the faculty to be granted from the Diocese, which should be any day.
Tender packages are being prepared to send out to those interested in the construction of our new church and community hub.
A fundraising appeal was launched to church members on 13th October.
A sum of £350,000 is needed for the additional improvements; church members will be rolling out efforts into the community with a list of events for next year ahead of a final public fundraising initiative.
National Coastwatch Institition (NCI) Station at Friars Cliff beach​
Hengistbury Head NCI had proposed citing a secondary station at Friars Cliff as the beach is seen as a "hot spot".
The appetite for this station appears to be waning, both from BCP and the NCI.
We feel that a secondary station is now unlikely and will keep you updated.
Anti-Social Behaviour at "The Green"
We are concerned that each summer there is extensive anti-social behaviour & vandalism at "The Green", next to Steamer Point, and in the public toilets & nearby shelter.
FCRA has raised this with local PCSOs, their superiors, and the Dorset Police & Crime Commissioner.
We are not satisfied with the response to date, and are continuing to engage on this important issue.
Parking Working Group​
This important project was successfully completed at the end of 2022 / early 2023 with significant improvements in traffic flow and general safety for both residents and visitors to our area.
There will be ongoing monitoring of matters such as repainting the single yellow lines and trying to get the grass car park areas to be open all year.
Tree Plantings​​
FCRA is actively looking to get more trees planted and the stumps along Avon Run Road removed.
However, BCP’s latest draft of “2050 Urban Forest Strategy” is very confusing and has delayed/stopped our previous agreements with BCP on planting and removal.