Planning & Developments
Updates will initially have a red border
Avon Beach Developments (Changes to The Noisy Lobster)​
Alterations & extension to existing ground floor entrance
Enlargement of first floor terrace and front dormers
Internal re-configurations
Click link below to access BCP Council Planning Application : 8/24/0596/FUL
Refurbishment work started on 6 January and the restaurant is expected to re-open on 6 February
Penny Farthing (PF) has submitted a new application which is on the planning portal for consideration - 8/23/0850/FUL
These are the key points of PF's application:
10 detached houses (1 x 3 bed, 9 x 4 bed)
Modern, flat “sedum” (green planted) roof design of 2 storeys with additional lightweight “pod” as 3rd storey
Wood effect cladding with a mix of textures and materials; no render; integral terraces; integral garages
Houses to be sited over the existing structures
Dark Sky low level bollard lighting
Surface water drains feed into existing storm pipe via holding tanks; foul water linked to the existing sewer
Ornamental metal boundary fencing with hedging
Penny Way access & surface drainage to be updated
13 trees to be felled, but replanting of 37 trees
Bat “corridors” to N and E​​​​​​​​​

MCA Steamer Point Development (to ensure sympathetic development)
Roeshot Hill Gravel Extraction (effect on road transport)
Approval was given to extract 3 million tonnes of gravel from the 77 Hectare Meyrick Estates owned site, which would take approx 14 to 16 years with a 4 year restoration project following.
Estimates are for 120 lorry movements per day, and operations running from 7am to 6pm Monday to Friday, and 7am to 12:30pm on Saturday.
It is unknown as yet when this project will get underway.
The Hampshire Planning Portal has information, but no start date is given : click image for link to planning portal
Roeshot Hill Building Development (impact on infrastructure)​
Update May 2023:
This huge development is starting to move forward.
Taylor Wimpey has submitted plans for the first 43 dwellings; the deadline for comments was 14 May.
The planning reference : 8/23/0215.
For more details click the website links below.​​
A major development by Taylor Wimpey of 875 dwellings was approved under an outline application in 2017.
Access to the site will be from both the A35 bypass and Lyndhurst Rd.
The site has numerous reserved matters that will require consideration and detailed planning approval.
Beach House Cafe (Mudeford Spit)​
The recent application to rebuild the previously destroyed café was approved on 15th December.
This is a much lower profile building than previously submitted and will replace the temporary shipping containers that have housed services since the fire.
Construction has yet to be started