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FCRA exists to connect local residents and provide a forum for discussion and collection of views about our area. Our aim is to have constructive dialogue with those involved in governance, development and upkeep of this friendly and attractive area.
We keep a lookout for any developments, proposed changes or other events that might affect us. Through regular quarterly meetings, we aspire to create a community spirit for all to enjoy.
We have a strong environmental perspective and fully engage with BCP Council and local groups dedicated to environmental preservation and improvement.
FCRA is a voluntary organisation, with officers appointed each year at the AGM. A key element is the network of volunteer Road Representatives (Reps) who manage delivery of the quarterly Friars Forum magazine. There are no paid positions.
We ask residents to contribute £5 per household per year. Should you wish to join, details are provided in this site. Alternatively check with your neighbours or the Friars Forum magazine that is delivered quarterly by your Road Rep. You can pay by Cash, cheque or BACS. Contributions are part of our audited accounts and cover website, meeting rooms and ad hoc printing costs. We also offer small donations to local causes (Small Grants Scheme).
The FCRA needs a good team of local supporters to operate effectively, so please join us you are interested in helping out. Please also contact a committee member for an idea of different roles, or contact us through the link at the top of this page.
Committee positions
Chair : Steve Alves
Vice-chair : Paul De Jonghe
Environmental Officer : Louise Heybourne
Friars Cliff Forum Editor : Charles Newman
Head Road Representative : Sarah Webb
Membership Secretary : Meg Ward:
Secretary : Louise Heybourne
Social Secretary : Sara Luder
Treasurer : Linda Lawrence
Webmaster : Kevan Ward